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This is one of a series of illustrated dream reactions to the coronavirus pandemic I’ve been completing over the last few weeks (@esccarlson, #dreamreactions). This particular dream was submitted anonymously by a woman in portland, OR. here is her dream that my attached illustration is based on: 

I’m at a big box sporting goods store, it’s crowded because people are panic buying guns.  For some reason I’m there to get some nice wool long underwear.  Everyone there is a man buying a gun and they are all very sexist.  I’m getting kinda pushed around and berated.  I’m feeling angry, but then this scene dissolves.  

Now I’m “home” which in a huge warehouse like building.  Everyone (all of humanity) lives here. There are no walls, but a couple of feet of dividers between “homes”. each person has a little space and a single bed.  No one is allowed to leave their partitions.  Everyone has scooted their beds against the windows and they sit there, talking to each other and listening.  

We can all hear a loud clanging sound, kind of like a hammer striking an anvil, but much much larger.  The sound is coming from a “man” (some kind of being in man form). It’s literally emanating from him He lives in a hermit cabin at an abandoned quarry.  He stands in this cabin in front of a large model of the inside of a lavish but destroyed opera house.  It’s an exact replica but scaled down.  He must use his mind to reconstruct the opera house back to its former glory (this creates the clanging sound). It takes great concentration and effort, but the world will be right again when he finishes. In my dream he was working on repairing the walls and flecked wall paper.

eric carlson
Cell: (970)596-6550