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The Lava Tube Hale #2

“I need a voice activated headlamp. This is ridiculous.”

Dear Verna,

Currently Bug a Boo has her antibiotics nestled sweetly in that small gap between the beers stacked in our cooler.  We used Lover’s two days off to move and then I had 3 days to clean the barn flat for the new tenant moving in on the first. We’d drive into town together, and while Lover was at work, I’d go to the barn and clean.

 On the last day of cleaning, Mama was showing a prospective tenant the spot and Lady was up in the flat with them. I still had cat food out on the floor since I had planned to move Vincent the next day. Well, as dogs do, they got into a fight over the cat food and Buggie got a puncture in her neck. I was downstairs in the studio and I don’t think I ever climbed those stairs so quickly to get up to the flat. There was this scuffle and it sounded like something fell over and broke and then little Buggy’s little howl and cry. So with 2 staples in a nicely shaved patch between her ears on the back of her neck and her odd toasted marshmallow color on her back, she’s quite a sight. She healed up quickly and it wasn’t sore to touch just 4 days later but she’s still milking ‘pua ting’ act for extra love from everyone who she meets.

So it was town, town, town, that first week and even into the second. I’ve gotten used to the drive though and I don’t get as tired as I used to having to do a ‘there and back’ trip all in one day. It truly is the most beautiful drive! We’ve got our landmarks on the route; the pink flamingo marks where the ka’u lava flows end and we descend down into the saddle between Mauna Loa and Hualalai, Kaohe road that leads down to Pebble beach we now call ‘Wallet Bend’ because my wallet was left on the bumper of the car once and only that sharp turn caused it to slide off and continue sliding across the road when Lover saw it in the rearview mirror, ‘The Coffee Shack- PACKED!’ is what Lover says every time we pass the best breakfast spot perched sketchily on that cliff with views clear down to South Point (and he says ‘PACKED’ cars or no cars ;D), Jake’s roadside BBQ and Super J’s LauLau Stand is where NPR goes out and doesn’t come back till about ChoiceMart after climbing the Kealakekua cliffs. None of this could ever get old.

Then once in town, I’ve got my list of things to acquire. Get ice, fill the gas containers for the generator, fill the rinse kit, fill the water containers, charge the car, charge the phone, oh, and charge the charger! Reminds me of when we’d camp for a week at a time during the summer vacations and Dad would go out for water, or propane, and always come back with a Costco Pizza. When camping, we’d eat like kings; steaks, freshly caught fish, chili and rice, but the thing we’d ooh and aaahh over was that Pizza. It meant he had touched civilization; the modern hunter-gatherer. 😀

And now my shower bag has disappeared. The scrubby, the soap, shampoo, razor… missing! Lover is classic because he sees evidence of trespassing everywhere when we return home after a full day away. 😀 Sometimes he’s right but most time it’s all in his head!  If anyone was gonna take anything, why did they just walk by that long, good extension cord then and go for my shampoo?? I am going to miss that facial scrub.

K, more later!

I love you.

P.S. I found the pics of our first visit the the Lava Tube Hale- and it has you and Ed in it!

You and Ed on the deck! This was MONTHS ago! remember the first time we looked at the property? What a journey from then till now.